
This Man Will Pay Your Utility Bill

Michael Kanellos with Greentechgrid wrote an article about us on April 25th. Check it out. 

"Transcend Equity takes the pain and mystery out of efficiency retrofits for commercial buildings."

On average, Transcend can lower utility costs by around 30 percent. In some cases, like the 1025 Elm Street building in Dallas, utility bills dropped by 40 percent with about $10 million in capital improvements. If you are in New York, go check out 125 Maiden Lane, where Transcend will replace the building controls system, ancient electric motors and other equipment.


Wall Street Journal Article on the MESA Structure

We were honored to be part of this WSJ article and working with Liam Pleven. We'll let the article do all the talking about Liam's subject matter. Thanks Liam for the opportunity to work with you.

Read the full WSJ article here.